New Releases: Krachware Fantasy Town Exterior Tileset, MGC Animations Collection Vol 1, RPG BGM and Battle SE Pack, NPC Female Priests Vol.1
December 22, 2022
December 1, 2022

New Releases: Krachware Fantasy Town Exterior Tileset, MGC Animations Collection Vol 1, RPG BGM and Battle SE Pack, NPC Female Priests Vol.1

New Releases: Krachware Fantasy Town Exterior Tileset, MGC Animations Collection Vol 1, RPG BGM and Battle SE Pack, NPC Female Priests Vol.1



December 22, 2022

For our first release day of the holiday season, we have a huge release of 4 new packs!

Build a cozy village for your heroes to live in and explore with the Krachware Fantasy Town Exterior Tileset! Bring your hero’s childhood home to life with this pack of tiles, be it a farming village, rustic port town, or even an abandoned village forgotten by the kingdom! A1, A2, A3, and A4 autotiles are ready to help you create an adorable little town. Fill the tiny farming village with dirt paths and rustic wooden homes and let your heroes walk down stone paths between brick and stucco storefronts. Create small wood-lined waterways in a small forest village, while larger towns rely on brick canals flowing alongside the stone streets. Angled roof tiles make it easy to add variations to your buildings, so they don’t all have to look like cookie-cutter squares! Wooden barrels and crates, clay pots, benches, row boats, and other tiles are ready to decorate your village streets and alleys, or keep things natural with flowers and shrubberies.

If all those tiles weren’t enough, there are also destroyed options to let your players see the wear and tear of time on an unlucky town! Damaged signs, cracked roof tiles, shattered windows, and web-filled crates can make any town look down on its luck. Will your players be able to save the poor villagers from total destruction? This pack also includes 12 wooden door sprites to give your players access to the village buildings! Give tiled-roof homes doors with matched tiles on their overhang, and make it easy for people to enter the local tavern by giving them arched two-tile wide doors! Create a cozy wooden town for your heroes to grow up in or have a broken down village that your players need to repair with the Krachware Fantasy Town Exterior Tileset!

Purchase now on Komodo Plaza or on Steam!

Update your MZ game’s coolest skills with some awesome animations with MGC Animations Collection Vol 1! ManuGamingCreations is back with another incredible pack of 30 Effekseer animations ready to take your magical attacks to another level. Strike foes with leafy slashes, dark magic explosions, jolts of ball lightning, and even a powerful blast of purple energy to finish off those more challenging enemies!

10 different themes, each with 3 animations, cover a variety of buff/debuff and elemental situations. Equip your wizard with elemental skills themed around lightning balls, nature, earth, flames and dark energy to blow your enemies away, or give them the raw power of magic with beam and neutral animations focusing on bursts of red, purple, and white light! Haste animations that spin to speed allies up and power-themed ones to drain foes or fill your heroes with a burst of strength are perfect for your support party members, or keep things simpler by letting your warrior charge up and hit harder with impact animations.

This pack includes a MZ project so you can see each animation in action, with SEs set up for the full experience. Let these inspire you to adjust the speed and angle of the animations to turn each one into the perfect addition to your skills! If you’ve been wanting to replace default animations or have been searching for the perfect nature animation for your warlock party member, check out MGC Animations Collection Vol 1!

Purchase now on Komodo Plaza or on Steam!

Fill your game world with wonderful retro-inspired music with the RPG BGM and Battle SE Pack! This pack’s 7 BGMs hit the big beats of a game, with tracks for battle, exploration, shopping, and even a quick nap at the inn! Have you been having trouble finding music that fits your RPG, because every song sounds like it belongs in the final boss fight and your game focuses on a smaller situation? Then keep things calm with songs that stay away from heart-pounding guitar riffs, instead letting pianos and violins take the lead. Explore the shopping district while a calm jazz track plays in the background, or search for hidden treasures while the rat-a-tat of drums and upbeat strings cheer your heroes on! The short Time to Nap clip comes in two versions, 16bit and piano, so you can make sure the vibes are right when your hero’s head hits the pillow.

Also included are 5 chiptune SEs to add that extra layer of polish to your battles. Give your buffs and debuffs related sounds where their major difference is whether they’re ascending or descending a scale, and keep combat moving quickly with short and to-the-point files for taking damage and casting spells. So if you’ve been searching for some new tracks to fill your game’s maps or battle SEs to tie everything together, give RPG BGM and Battle SE Pack a listen!

Purchase now on Komodo Plaza or on Steam!

Is your game’s churches as quiet as a graveyard when your heroes revive? Do you want to give your healers some verbal cues when they greet passersby? Then it’s time to check out NPC Female Priests Vol.1! TK.Projects newest SE pack brings us 120 Japanese voice clips to fill your churches and hospitals with greetings and laughter of the women who work there. Instead of overexplaining with messages, have a priestess sigh when your heroes need to be revived after losing a fight to a slime or let a healer chuckle if a party member needs to be healed after getting food poisoning.

12 different character voices offer up options for multiple ages and levels of belief. Have a young girl give a shy hello from her spot in a pew when your heroes walk by, or a middle-aged woman sob outside to attract your players to talk to her and start a new quest. Soft-spoken priestesses and believers can hum in thought before suggesting blessings to help in combat or cry in joy when your heroes manage to recover the town’s lost relic. Don’t give only your good NPCs' voices though! The fanatic SEs in this pack are perfect for followers of the demon lord or villains who are trying to trick townsfolk into giving away all of their hard-earned money.

Each SE comes in multiple file formats, so you can easily add them to your favorite engine without needing to edit them. Add more voices to your NPC healers and quest givers with NPC Female Priests Vol.1!

Purchase now on Komodo Plaza or on Steam!

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