New Releases: 4 Rogue Adventure Tilesets!
May 15, 2023
May 4, 2023

New Releases: 4 Rogue Adventure Tilesets!

New Releases: 4 Rogue Adventure Tilesets!



May 15, 2023

This week, we have 4 compatible tilesets all from one artist to build an entire game around! So let's head out on a rogue adventure!

Seek out ancient treasures that were buried with their owners with the Rogue Adventure - Graveyard Tileset! ELV Games is back with another pixel art pack, focusing on dark and gloomy colors for your more serious games. Create spooky graveyards and damaged crypts with 2 A5 and 6 B sheets filled with stone walls, dark ground, fences, and marble above ground crypts! Choose from two different stone color options, pale gray marble for newer or well-maintained graveyards and muddy green stone for ancient crypts or areas taken over by evil spirits. Or mix them together on one map to show just how long a city has been using the same graveyard! Broken versions of tombstones could tell your players that the area was abandoned years ago, or let them help repair a village’s graveyard through sidequests and replace the broken tombstones with repaired ones as time passes.

Light up your maps with animated flames and candles with this pack’s characters. Keep your players on track when deep underground in stone crypts with lit candles nestled in alcoves and draw their attention to a message carved into stone with flickering flames. Or add some extra evilness to a dungeon with a fountain of blood! This pack also includes a BGM track with powerful drums and tip-toeing piano and strings to remind your players that they could come across some dangerous situations while exploring the crypts. Build creepy crypts and dangerous tombstone-covered hills with the Rogue Adventure - Graveyard Tileset!

Purchase now on KOMODO Plaza or on Steam!

Explore trap-filled temples and the wild wilderness with the Rogue Adventure - Jungle Tileset! ELV Games is here with another awesome pixel art pack, bringing to life lush forests and ancient stone temples for your heroes to find. 2 A5 and 10 B sheets are ready to make forests full of flowers and grasses, and pink and pale yellow stone temples that lead into vast underground labyrinths. Climb rough rock steps to reach meadows in the middle of the woods, or pause your explorations of the temple to rest inside rooms that from the look of it used to be bedrooms filled with cabinets and closets. Or reward your players with stat boosts from magical stones if they follow the trail of blue-leafed trees deep into the dangerous jungle.

Add some extra movement to your maps with animated flowers and grasses, and light up the area with stone pillars topped with flames. Help your players find healing plants by having the plant’s yellow or green flowers slowly sway, or let them know the area is breezy with tufts of grass blowing in the breeze. Animated traps can challenge your player’s skills if they choose to avoid battles in a dungeon, with three main traps to choose from: spikes shooting up from the floor, trapdoors that blend into the floor, and stone pillars that slam down from the ceiling! This pack also includes 1 BGM track with energetic strings to motivate your heroes to reach the final room in the forest temple. Create an important dungeon deep in the mystical grove with the Rogue Adventure - Jungle Tileset!

Purchase now on KOMODO Plaza or on Steam!

Let your heroes take a break in a small town with the Rogue Adventure - Village Tileset! ELV Games has made yet another pixel art pack, this time giving you options to make a relaxed village full of thatched-roof homes and shops stocked with just what your heroes need to conquer the next dungeon. 10 B sheets (5 interior and 5 exterior) come with pre-built buildings that you can mix and match to create towns full of unique wooden homes. Decorate them with windows, chimneys, and signs and place wooden benches and stone wells in an open area to give the small village its own town square. Fill NPC homes with beds, bookshelves, and cupboards so they can have comfortable lives, and give the town’s adventurer guild many tables and scattered papers for wannabe heroes to gather around while they plan out their next quest. Or create a locked treasure room filled with gold and jewels to tempt your players into using their thief’s burglary skills (just don’t get caught)!

3 sheets of animated objects are ready to reward your players for exploring and light their way when they reach the village in the middle of the night. Place treasure chests and boxes strategically inside and around homes to reward explorers, and let your players enter houses through simple wooden doors. Wooden torches and bowls of flames swinging from posts are perfect for marking important paths and buildings, or use the campfire to mark where your players can set up their tents and rest for the night. Don’t worry about your villages being too quiet, since this pack also comes with 1 BGM track that can lift the spirits of your heroes and the villagers while they wander the village. Give your heroes a place to rest and restock after they defeat monsters and clear dungeons with the Rogue Adventure - Village Tileset!

Purchase now on KOMODO Plaza or on Steam!

Trudge through murky swamps and solve puzzles deep underground with the Rogue Adventure - Wastelands Tileset! ELV Games has created another pixel art pack for your retro-inspired games, offering up new tiles to help you make creepy badlands above and below ground. 2 A5 and 10 B sheets are here to turn empty maps into muddy and hilly wastelands where only scrub grass and mushrooms grow, and where your heroes can stumble across an entrance to a cavern filled with carved glyphs overflowing with magical power! Have your heroes explore areas where dead trees loom overhead and pools of blood can be found next to stone altars, or let them cross wooden bridges to reach treasure chests left high up on the top of a hill. 3 different stone colors can help make each of your region’s caves stand out, letting you use rich brown dirt for that sinkhole that opened up near the village’s farms and light gray stones for caves that your heroes can find while climbing mountains. Or use different colored stones to show that someone must have brought the rocks into the cave just to set up an important puzzle that guards a powerful treasure!

13 character sheets offer up a variety of animated objects to help take your maps to the next level. Flames can help light up caves, and glowing blue glyphs can reward your heroes with stat boosts, healing, or even just by guiding them onto the correct path to reach a gilded treasure chest. Or add some swaying weeds to your swamp maps to show that only the toughest things can survive there! 1 string-heavy BGM track is also included in this pack, ready to inspire your players with upbeat twangs and powerful drums while they try to solve challenging puzzles. Pick up the Rogue Adventure - Wastelands Tileset and add some new swamps and cave dungeons to your games!

Purchase now on KOMODO Plaza or on Steam!

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