New Releases: Fantasy Character Pack, KR Spirit of Egypt Tileset, RE-D MUSIC PACK 5
March 3, 2023
March 2, 2023

New Releases: Fantasy Character Pack, KR Spirit of Egypt Tileset, RE-D MUSIC PACK 5

New Releases: Fantasy Character Pack, KR Spirit of Egypt Tileset, RE-D MUSIC PACK 5



March 3, 2023

15 New Male Characters! A New Egyptian Tiles! A New RE-D Music Pack! All out now for RPG Maker.

Create new friends and foes with the Fantasy Character Pack! Gee-kun-soft’s latest pack brings you 15 new male characters to add to your game, each with unique outfits and designs to make them stand out compared to regular NPCs. Fill your game with armored samurai, powerful beastmen, and well-dressed men often found in fantasy worlds like kings and vampires! Each character comes with sprites, facesets, enemy images, SV battlers, and waist-up busts, so you can easily use them as important NPCs, loyal teammates, or tricky villains depending on how your story goes. Each enemy comes in multiple color variations along with effect versions with powerful magic swirling around them to warn your players just how dangerous the fight will be!

Team up with an eagle beastman, a green-scaled dragon knight, and a prince-like lion to take on an overbearing mammoth warrior and gray werewolf bent on taking over the world, or play as one of them to defeat the crowned human king and his heavily armored lancer and hoplite knights. Or have your players play as the villain by controlling a horned demon dressed in a loose kimono who can summon demonic eyes to strengthen his attacks, and battle against armored samurai for control of the country!

As a bonus, this pack also includes high-res full body versions of each character that you can use in status menus or resize for important cutscenes. Give your game’s guys some cool new looks with the help of the Fantasy Character Pack!

Purchase now on Komodo Plaza or on Steam!

Explore sandstone tombs and deserts protected by statues of deities with the KR Spirit of Egypt Tileset! Kokoro Reflections is here with another desert-themed tileset, this time focusing on tiles that can build gilded pyramid interiors and the simple towns that sprung up around those impressive dungeons. Make varied ground for your heroes to walk on to keep from having to look at the same sand tile over and over with different colors of sand, packed earth, rocks that were uncovered by warm wind, and even man-made stone paths. Rubble and scruffy grass autotiles can turn a town into an abandoned location, or block certain areas of the map with the stone fence autotile. And a full B sheet of desert plants is perfect for adding subtle signs of life to an otherwise lonely wasteland, or use them to mark the way to a royal pyramid.

This pack includes a huge stone sphinx that can draw the eye to the center of a village or act as the entrance to a deep underground dungeon, that is equal parts beautiful and deadly. Golden statues of animal-headed gods are ready to line the hallways of the tomb, where bottomless pits and spikes stabbing up from the floor are the least of the dangers. Let your heroes wander past carved wall art and under archways as they search for the throne room filled with skeletons and treasure chests, or have them take a break in the shadows of a grand pyramid before their adventure continues. Pick up the KR Spirit of Egypt Tileset and create new desert maps for your players to enjoy!

Purchase now on Komodo Plaza or on Steam!

Prepare for combat on the high seas or far in the starry skies with RE-D MUSIC PACK 5! Gee-kun-soft is back with another set of excellent orchestral tracks, bringing you 10 new BGMs to choose from. Strings, horns, and drums build off each other to create tunes that leave you feeling small compared to the vastness of the world around you, as if it’s just your hero and their crew in the middle of an ocean or the darkness of space. Let your heroes forge ahead with blaring horns urging them forward, or warn them that time is limited with quick, insistent violins punctuated with heavy drums.

Keep the energy up with the rat-a-tat of drums and choral chanting as your heroes fight off an attack from a powerful foe, or have it playing in the background while they race to escape their floundering ship after a surprise attack blows a hole in the hull! And when there’s nothing they can do to win, let one of this pack’s slower tracks play as your heroes are forced to watch the villain succeed in sinking their ship or taking over the kingdom’s castle. But not all is lost! Let your heroes use that loss to strengthen their resolve and work hard to gather new companions while powerful drums and horns play in the background, and win the last battle to the sounds of spirited trumpets!

Each track comes in multiple audio formats, making it easy to add these to your current project no matter the engine. So if you’ve been searching for some music to fill your ship’s corridors and add some dramatic orchestral tunes to cutscenes, check out RE-D MUSIC PACK 5!

Purchase now on Komodo Plaza or on Steam!

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